Sommarläsning om motivation del 3 av 4: Ett arbetsliv med mening
Sommartiden ger dig förhoppningsvis en behövlig paus. Det är bra att använda tid till att reflektera över din arbetssituation. Hur vill du att ditt arbetsliv ser ut om ett par…
Sommartiden ger dig förhoppningsvis en behövlig paus. Det är bra att använda tid till att reflektera över din arbetssituation. Hur vill du att ditt arbetsliv ser ut om ett par…
I förra inläggeet skrev jag om hur vi får relationer att fungera bättre genom att vara uppmärksam på andras behov. Vi behöver också berätta för de andra om egna behov,…
Det första man behöver veta är att vi alla motiveras olika, eller ännu mer exakt: av samma motiv men i olika grad. Allt vi gör beror på våra underliggande livsmotiv.…
Conscious Leadership tip of the week: Self-esteem Your self-esteem will define how you as a leader deal with challenges, would it be conflict, performance or other work-related issues. When we…
Photo: Shutterstock There’s a paradigm shift happening in the business world. The traditional top-down carrot and stick management mentality is being replaced by a more human value-oriented leadership style. But,…
Photo: Shutterstock Becoming a more transparent organization increases trust, responsibility, results and growth. As information is becoming more transparent, a greater sense of community is built among employees - hence…
Photo: Shutterstock Perhaps the most important trait of conscious leaders is Integrity. In one specific survey researchers surveyed essential qualities of leaders among 54.000 people: Integrity was, by far, the…
Photo: Shutterstock It is a misconception that conscious leaders would only be nice, wherefore average financial results are to be expected. The fact is that conscious companies have superior financial…
I read in LinkedIn the other day that increased engagement among employees increases the share value of that company. I have also own experience of studies where increased results in…
Year after year we have read how low the engagement results are in companies in Sweden, and also worldwide. It is not sustainable when managers and/or employees are exploiting others…
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If you have ever felt that a colleague has rubbed you the wrong way, it might have to do with your differences in intrinsic motivation. When people have opposing needs,…
Independence is our desire for self-reliance and one of our life motives. It motivates people to make their own decisions and to value their personal freedom. We all have this…
Curiosity is one of our motives according to Ph.D. Steven Reiss. We all have it, but to a very different extent, from very low to very high. When people with…
Independence is our desire for self-reliance and one of our life motives. It motivates people to make their own decisions and to value their personal freedom. We all have this…
Power is our desire for influence and one of our life motives according to Ph.D. Steven Reiss. It motivates us to seek to influence people, events, or the environment. We…
Status is the desire for social standing. It is one of our 16 motives according to motivation research by Ph.D. Steven Reiss. People with a weak desire for status are…
Idealism is the desire for social justice and one of our life motives. We all have it, more or less. People with a strong need for idealism treat people fairly.…
Honour is one of our motives. We all have it, more or less. It motivates people to embrace ethical codes of conduct. People with high Honour motive keep promises and…
Vengeance is one of our motives according to Dr. Steven Reiss motivational research. It is the desire to win and to confront those who offend. In companies managed by fear,…